Monday, 4 November 2013

IMPORTANT EVENT: Practice BAAttle with the RPF

Snaily and Andy, Aus/Asia Leader and Aus/Asia L.I.T of the RPF, have requested for a practice battle with us. We must try out best to win this, as we would be known to many people if we defeat the RPF, despite being an SMAC army. Do your best, and try to come. If you are already in RPF and Greek Sheeps, please be loyal to us and help us during the event.

Here are the times...

RPF  vs Greek Sheeps
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Server:  Wool Socks
5:00am PST, 1:00pm GMT, 8:00am EST, 5:30pm IST, 8:00pm SGT, 11pm AEST, 9pm JST


Please Come!

-Fluffy Sheep-


4:00am PST, 12:00pm GMT, 5:30pm IST, 8:00pm SGT, 11pm AEST, 9pm JST


Unknown said...

Can't go, soccer practice D: .

Lovepuppy63 said...

SCHOOL D: I will miss it.
OH MAH SHEEPY LORD~~~~Lovepuppy63

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